Explore Sodom before judgment commences. Get 15% OFF today Use: FALL15

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Earth was without form, and void

Day One: Let there be light

Divided by light and darkness

Day Two: Let be firmament of mist

Divided by Waters - Below, Heavens -Above

Day Three: Waters gathered together, Dry land appeared

Day Four: Genesis 1: 14-19

Day Five: All Living Creatures

Day Six: Man Created (Both Male and Female): and, it was very good. Genesis 2: 1-Thus the heavens and earth were finished, and all the host of them.

Day Seven: God laid down his palette and Brush, stepped back and what was once a dark and voided planet, called earth, God saw every thing he had made; and he rested, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all the work which God created and made.

Genesis 13 - 19. Join our development by suggesting a question with your answer for the QUIZ test. 

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