When you decide to begin and purchase your first set of books for the group, submit your group names and email addresses. The Group Leader can chose any one of the posters and have emailed to them at no cost to print at your local business or online.
Sodom is one of the most controversial religious and political events today. How do events spoken and recorded thousands of years ago continue to be one deciding factor before the last door shuts? Explaining the devastation of a city with all its citizens, businesses, and its future while God Himself delivers Lot and his family from the judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Why has God inserted the events of Lot and the city of Sodom and Gomorrah’s final judgement after the promise of a son for Abraham and Sarah? Discovering the purpose of these events from Genesis 13 through 19 begin to understand one of God’s attributes.
Your PDF book includes study and group discussion sections throughout the chapters. They will help discover basic fundamental truths to help build and strengthen your foundation. As our online study program is being developed, your group or groups leaders will help with the questioning and answering sections of the study program. After your first group study and discussion, submit your questions and answers you believe are necessary in helping build a strong foundation.
Write you question from Genesis 13 - 19. Join our development by suggesting a question to add with your answer.
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