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Spiritual Battles:
Control the Center:
Chess game:

Comparing the spiritual challenges to a chess game became a challenging endeavor. The transition from the beginning of our journey to the middle becomes a battle of chooses. During a chess game every move both offensive and defensive involves a strategy and tactical planning to reach the end game. In chess the objective is to control the center, with pawns protecting the most valuable pieces on the board.

During my research in the Art of War Sun Tzu Quotes Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

Entering the Battle (Podcast)  

Preview Chapter One
Five chapters an average of 27K words 7x9 97 pages in PDF format

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  1. Who Am I
  2. The Journey
  3. The Encounter
  4. The Truth Distorted
  5. Justice System

Spiritual Battles:
Control the Center:
Chess game:

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